Spinal Flow® Technique

Dr Carli Axford (former Chiropractor of 20 years) created Spinal Flow® Technique to help people release stress & trauma stored in the body and allow healing. Rhi has learnt directly from Carli.

There is an innate wisdom inside every human body to restore, allay and mend itself. Just as our gut digests our food and our hair grows, our bodies know how to heal by harnessing the nervous system.

Spinal blockages are like static interference for our master controller – the spine and nervous system – which can block the flow of our body’s aptitude to heal itself. Spinal Flow Technique® helps locate blockages that cause symptoms like pain or illness by making contact with certain points of the spine to allow healing to happen. Rhi understands how to effectively assess and enable your body to connect to the ease that exists within. 

The human body has everything it needs inside of it to heal, particularly the 33 access points. The access points are located mostly on the sacrum and cranium, where the dura mater is closest to external touch. Making contact with these access points sends a message to the brain to release spinal blockages. This is a transformative experience and helps people with symptoms ranging from pain, depression, anxiety, headaches, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and more.

The Spinal Flow Technique involves several key components:

Identifying Blockages: Practitioners learn to interpret bodily signals that manifest as pain or discomfort. These signals often indicate where stress is stored within the spine.

Releasing Stress: Through specific techniques, practitioners work to release these spinal blockages. This process encourages the body to restore its natural flow of Life Force Energy.

Restoring Energy Flow: Once blockages are released, energy can flow freely through every vertebrae in the spine and reach every cell in the body, promoting healing and balance.

Awakening Innate Intelligence: The technique emphasizes tapping into the body’s innate intelligence—the natural ability of our bodies to grow, repair, and heal themselves without external intervention.