Alchemy of Touch ™ is a dynamic transformational style of bodywork developed by Tapesh Paradiso and Anouk Devi, who studied for many years in India under Osho.

Alchemy of Touch™ uses gentle fluid touch to elevate healing to a new level - harmonising both musculoskeletal and energetic techniques from many different Eastern and Western styles including:

  • Deep Tissue in Motion™ Massage - working without pain, deep, gentle and slow.

  • Fluid Touch ('Alchemy of Touch’ Signature Method) This is a gentle pulsing movement created by hand which creates more fluidity in the spine and body as a whole.

  • Chi energy release (or bio-electricity) Bodywork increasing the release of hyaluronic acid, the connecting force of the meridian lines.

  • Fascia Release - using deep tissue techniques there is a melting of fascia around sites of previous injury or stagnation, reducing stiffness.

  • Joint Mobilisation - gentle releasing of joints increases mobility and the release of synovial fluid to encourage prolonged lubrication.

  • Unlocking patterns in BodyMind.

  • Nervous system regulation and Vagal tone work.

  • Visceral (Hara/Belly) Work - gently opening layers of fascia to unwind the stagnation of compressed energy. “Unglueing’organs that may have suffered due to our sedentary lifestyles.

  • Polarity Energy Work - through the Bodywork we enter into the subtle body, the astral, the mental and the causal body. This complex system is believed to influence a persons physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. Our consciousness and expression of the soul.

  • I have excellent experience of combining bodywork with Yoga retreats so please enquire if you’d like to work with me to enhance your offering on a retreat.

    Sessions are 1 on 1 (based in Birdham PO20)

    90 minute sessions are £105 and booking blocks of 3 are suggested (£300)